
Day before Halloween!

I was The Statue of Liberty today at school. It was fun to see the kids dress up and of course to have the teachers dress up. We had a good time as usual.

I have wanted to start a tradition on here called Flashback Friday. I stole this idea from somebody so, if you are offended by my stealing of your idea, I am sorry. Basically Flashback Friday is where you take an old picture and post it on here to reminisce about the old days. Seeing I dressed up as The Statue of Liberty, I find it highly appropriate to post a photo of me with Lady Liberty from my summer trip to NYC. What a blast that trip was. Thanks so much mom for making the trip possible. I really had so much fun there! Liberty Island was really one of the highlights of the trip. I never realized how big Lady Liberty is; she is huge! I also didn't know that only the statue part was given to the USA by France. We had to build the pedestal and the pedestal is atop an old fort. Cool stuff. I also didn't know that Lady Liberty is actually walking as if to show that freedom is progressive and moving forward. Cool!

Tonight, I am taking care of Aiden. He is a fun little guy. We went up to the Bills for dinner(everybody is in town for Halloween. Lots of nieces and nephews running around). I think Aiden loved playing with all the kids up there. I liked seeing Morgan and Sarah and their kids. I am a sucker for kids but dealing with Aiden made me think that I may not be a very good future mom. I sure would need some practice with the whole keeping them on task and having consequences for not doing what I ask! Good thing one night doesn't damage children!

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