

I like that tomorrow is the last day that I have to teach this week. It is going to be very, very, very nice to have a few days off. I plan on doing some major sleeping and eating. That is what Thanksgiving is all about right? I told my students today that I would not miss them because hanging out with a turkey would pretty much be like hanging out with them, the turkeys that they are!

Life is good. Gave a good lesson on Sunday. It is actually nice to be done with it. I hate the whole being nervous in preparing. The talk was by President Monson and it is spectacular. Click on Monson(it will be in green) to read the talk. You will enjoy it. Mom....read it!

What else. Hmmm. It snowed yesterday. It was pretty coming down but then I started to think about how I don't really like snow and winter. I think I need to buy some full spectrum light bulbs this winter!

I have been eating a lot of chocolate lately. I like it. I had some nice pizza tonight from Papa John's. YUMMY. I am going to have In-N-Out burger for lunch tomorrow. One of the teachers at school has prep the hour before lunch and he was totally okay with going to get it for us tomorrow. That makes me excited. Funny how food really makes me happy these days!

Here are a few things that I am thankful for today:
1. Friends who are so supportive of me.
2. Good talks with co-workers after school.
3. Visiting Teachers who come and visit me and who are hilarious.
4. Pizza and Fresca
5. Music
6. Sleep. (I better go get some!)

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