
Welcome to my busy life....

So, I have decided to write another novel for November's National Novel Writing Month. That is a huge deal because pretty much I must put in about two hours of writing a day in order to get the 50,000 words goal by the end of November. My novel is based on the drama of my students' lives. Here is the link to my new blog(it is also linked on the sidebar!). It will have all of the writing that I do this month. That is truly a new thing for me. I have a hard time sharing my writing but decided what the heck, why not get out of my comfort box a little bit more. Don't judge the novel and please feel free to make comments and suggestions. The whole program which you can learn about here is just to write and write and get 50,000 words. You are not supposed to do any editing which is hard but really the goal is to get the 50,000 words(quantity, not quality!). I already have over 4,000 words. I want to get real ahead so when the craziness of life comes during the month I will not get behind if I flake a day.

Not much else going on here. Just living the dream. I have been saying that a lot lately. I better add that as a title.

Have a superb day!

P.S. I am highly enjoying Pandora these days. Julianne is right; it does make writing easier!


BloggingBills said...

Gives new meaning to the phrase: Rita, use your words...all 50,000 of them. Sounds challenging but fun. Good Luck!

BloggingBills said...

I wish pandora wasn't blocked at my school. Sigh. I could do with Christian rock early in the AM when I am the only one there.