
"And laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in an inn."

Have you ever noticed that often the best conversations happen in a car. I had this conversation with my nephew, Elijah, yesterday.

E: Auntie, how did Christmas ever become just all about the presents?
Alice: You have noticed that too, huh?
E: Yeah, it seems like people just rush around worrying about buying stuff for people. It is like we have lost the Christ in Christmas!
Alice: I know. Have you noticed that some people even put an 'X' instead of Christ in Christmas.
E: They do?
Alice: Yeah, it is almost like they are even showing how they have taken him out of the holiday when they write it!
E: How did presents even become a part of Christmas?
Alice: (answering with a question) What did the wisemen bring to Jesus?
E: Presents.
Alice: Yep. And the tradition of giving presents comes from that. We give presents to show our love for those close to us. Unfortunately, people have gotten carried away and the commercialism has taken over and we have forgotten the reason for the season!
E: I think that is sad.

And really it is sad. The title of this post comes from Luke 2:7. Jesus' parents knew of their son's divinity, yet it wasn't possible to have Jesus in a proper place, like a mansion. A lowly manger had to do. Most people, who were living at this time, probably experienced the birth of Jesus Christ like any other day. They didn't know the importance of that day! There was no room in the inn for him. I notice, in our day, our hearts have become like that inn. There seems to be no room in our hearts for Christ. We have room for the big dinner and the big pomp for the gift openings, but we forget the babe who changed the world.

I hope you all had a great Christmas full of friends, family, warmth and light! I also hope you had the chance to slow down and remember the reason for the season and didn't only celebrate Xmas! This day is divine and so significant to my life. I know of the divinity of Jesus Christ. I know that he came to earth with a mission to help us draw closer to our Heavenly Father and that he was a true example of how we should live our lives. He lived his life loving and caring for people. He also showed that love through the greatest sacrifice, dying for us! I know he is my savior and that he makes it possible for me to make it back to my Heavenly Father. He lives!! How great it is to be reminded of his birth. I am in awe of the miracle that this even was and I am so thankful for it. May we all be filled with his light and may we all carry that light to those around us. Merry Christmas to you all!!!

P.S. Check out this post my adopted sister wrote about Mary. It is amazing and makes me think and cry: http://ingfamily.blogspot.com/2009/12/christmas-bells-are-ringing.html


J.B. said...

The "X" in Xmas is not taking Christ out of the celebration. It actually began centuries ago, as the Greek symbol Epsilon (I think), which represents Christ. So, it's an abbreviation, not a replacement.

Morgan Hagey said...

So true! It's just how the world is these days.

And while it's true that X is was not INTENDED to "Replace" the term Christ in Christmas (and Christian for that matter) there is NO question that in our world, that is what it does. It's used by people who 1.Are not Christian (and I have seen this repeatedly in on-line forums, such as the term "Xian" being used to describe Christians and meaning it in a NOT nice way...) and 2. As a quick way to write "Christmas" or a space saver.

I, too, strongly dislike it's useage.

The point is... people are indeed forgetting what Christmas is for. I agree.

BloggingBills said...

Right on JB I was just going to add that comment!

In ancient days, if Christians wanted to identify themselves to other Christians and still keep their lives intact they either used the X symbol or a picture of a fish. The X is actually the first letter in the Greek word for Christ: Christos spelled Xristoc(s) which if I could figure out how to access the Greek alphabet I could spell it right for you.
I actually want a license plate that says 'doulosX' meaning servant of Christ.


BloggingBills said...

If I wanted to be gender correct it would be 'doulaX' but since doula has a different meaning in our world, I'll have to go with the male version--doulos