
False Advertising.

This post may have a lot to do with push up bras, just to warn you!

My dating dilemma these days is the debate that goes on in my head about how much I should really get "gussied" up and how much I should just be myself. For those of you who don't know me well(I am pretty famous in the blog world so there may be readers who haven't met me but read this fab blog. Btw that was laced with sarcasm!). My typical wardrobe consists of jeans, a t-shirt, tennis shoes and a baseball cap. Usually, this is not considered proper dating attire. So, on the leap years when I actually have a date, I go shopping and buy clothes that aren't typically what I wear. Hence, the dilemma in my head. Am I really showing the guy taking me out what he is really getting? Nope. This is false advertising. Companies can get sued for doing this kind of stuff in their advertising. How am I any different? I guess dating is pretty much all about false advertising. You go out and spend lots of money in order to get to "know" somebody and you really won't know them until you've lived with them for a year or so.(and that was not a plug for living with somebody before marrying them. I am totally opposed to that as well!) Dating is false advertising.

When I was shopping for my newest set of dating clothes on a trip to Las Vegas about a month ago, my good friend, Alyssa, thought I should try wearing a push-up bra. I thought she was crazy and the idea was totally out of my comfort zone, but Alyssa has mad convincing skills and before I knew it I was wearing said bra and trying on shirts. I thought Alyssa was going to burst with excitement while she waited to check out my newly formed chest. I found this kind o humorous that one of my friends really wanted to check me out. When I stepped out of the dressing stall, Alyssa was so excited she had to take a picture of me. That is when I mentioned that I totally thought wearing a push-up was totally false advertising. Seriously, he would think I have this amazing bust, but indeed it really isn't that impressive. Alyssa said that all women do it and that guys really don't care that it is false advertising. I was convinced enough to buy one that day and a week later I bought another one. GO me!

The topic of false advertising came up again in conversation at Burger Friday a few days ago, which was about two hours before my second date with Dave. Anyway, I brought up the fact that I was debating about just wearing a t-shirt and how I thought that by dressing up and getting all "gussied" I was guilty of false advertising and somehow the subject again turned to push-up bras.

Me: I really think that all this stuff I do, is false advertising. I wear nicer clothes and do my hair and make up, and wear these new bras! The Alice guys get on dates is totally not the real Alice.
Janette: Just wear a t-shirt and jeans. Be you.
Me: So, I should also not wear my newly acquired push-up bra either?
(short pause)
Me: See, it is a touchy subject. Seriously, what a guys sees when you are wearing one of those is just not what he really gets.
Jeff: Alice, it is all about presentation. If I want a steak, and it comes on a plain white plate with no decor, it is still a good steak. But if that steak happens to come on a colorful plate, with garnish lettuce it looks a lot better and I am more excited about it. It is still the same steak but I am more excited! Presentation is everything!

So there you have it. Presentation is everything and I wore the bra and a dressier t-shirt and a nice necklace and jeans. The jury is still out on whether date three will happen. Some men have thicker onion shells to peel through. It may take five years before I really know what Dave truly is like. Come on Dave, it is all about presentation...you should be selling yourself at this time! :) Good thing Dave doesn't read this blog!


Morgan Hagey said...

Yeah, it's true, it's fale advertising, but dude, it's totally ok to do. :) Keep it up!

Erin said...

I don't think it is 'false advertising'- you are sharing your "date self" when you get all dressed up. I still do that when Isaac and I go on dates. You can share your other, more laid back self at some point, too. Both are "you"-the only difference is the circumstances. It isn't "false advertising" when we get dressed up for church, or for a special occassion like a wedding-it's just special circumstances. I think dates, especially the first few dates, definitely count as special circumstances. As long as you aren't pretending to be a different person while you are out on a date,I don't think looking our very best when we want to make a good impression is in anyway "false" or dishonest. It's just "very best" versus "everyday". And that is all I have to say about that. :-) And I think you are awesome.