
A Pretty Darn Good Day!!!

Yesterday when I blogged, or maybe that was a day ago,( I am in a time warp people, forgive me, GOSH!)I blogged because I was feeling down and wanted a little pick me up and I actually got that pick me up from re-reading what I wrote and realizing that it wasn't being pessimistic at all and that I really do have some superpowers! I am not being conceited either. I am being the opposite of conceited which is nice to myself. You are supposed to be nice to other people so why not be to yourself, eh?

Well, today was a great day. It seemed to whiz right by. That is a good thing in and of itself. The day did start out with a good meeting...yeah really, A GOOD MEETING! The meeting was followed by welcoming students to school. We do this by standing by the door and actually clapping when each student enters the building. It is like cheering them into the building. I love to see their shocked faces and reactions. Most of them think we are really silly but to some of them this is a major highlight of the day. I like to do it because it actually makes me like kids a lot better. Cheering and clapping for somebody makes you love them more I have found. That is one of my favorite quotes btw "Love them more." Kelly Clarkson has a tattoo of that quote on her wrist. I think it is a wise saying. Sometimes you just need to love people more. I think I know way too much about Kelly Clarkson!

The school day was fun. There was chocolate covered everything in the lunch room. Janette is nice and I am glad she has this great love of chocolate because she shares it with us sometimes!!! She made some amazing brownies a few weeks ago. I loved them!

My Health classes are awesome these days. I really do love them and will miss them when I say goodbye to them come the middle of January. Sigh...semester classes are sad at the end. One student even sprayed me with some awesome perfume. It is called Refugee, if you want to buy me some for Christmas.

Then it was our Christmas party for work. It was pretty much awesome. Not only did I get some fantastic free food but I was also entertained. Our amazing Geography teacher sang while playing the guitar and she pretty much has the voice of an angel and is very talented. We also got to see one of our computer teachers clog with his wife. It was way cute and energetic. Santa also came. I sat on his lap and he asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I thought to myself, while saying "world peace," that I wanted a cute boyfriend. A girl can wish, right? It was fun. I also got to announce the present that everybody got, which is the book "Be the Hero" which is by the Challenge Day people. I also got to announce that Rich and Yvonne Dutra-St. John Dutra(the authors of "Be the Hero" and the creators of Challenge Day) will actually be in our school in March to facilitate this year's Challenge Day. I am so very exited for this because these two people are two of my favorite people on the planet. They are so good at what they do and show love to everybody they meet. They really are inspiring to me!!!! I am so excited.

Then tonight Shule(one of the English teachers) and I went and looked at Christmas lights...there was an amazing display in Orem. It was awesome. I am going to try to upload a video of it. I hope it works!

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