
Weekend in Review.

1. Watched half of my school's basketball game on Friday.(have I mentioned how much I enjoy watching and not coaching?)
2. Got surprised by a phone call before leaving the game.
3. Ate amazing sushi with good company on Friday.
4. Slept in on Saturday morning.
5. Washed a million dishes.
6. Cleaned the house.
7. Dirtied the house by living in it hours after....SIGH.
8. Played Guitar Hero.
9. Watched TV after brushing off the satellite dish. It snowed a bit this weekend.
10. Woke up (from my nap on the couch)and went to bed at 2:30 last night.
11. Slept in again.
12. Made breakfast....eggs and toast, yum!
13. Went to church.
14. Stayed for linger longer at church. Whoa...haven't been very active in ward activities lately.
15. Came home and watched The Holiday
16. Blogged.
17. Went to bed, excited that there are only five days of school left until Winter Break....yippee.

And now I bid you adieu!


joanna said...

sounds like a fun weekend! I also love!!! the Holiday!

Moo said...

I watched the Holiday yesterday, too. Except I fell asleep half way through.

Morgan Hagey said...

I hope the date was fun. :)