
Thank You Very Much, Dr. King!

Happy Civil Rights day. I don't know how many people actually have the day off and actually sit back and ponder on what the day is truly about. I know I am guilty of this. I am grateful for all the people who sacrificed so much to make equal rights a possibility. Truly, equality is a God given right. We are all children of God and should be treat with respect! I do feel a little guilty when I just love having the day off and don't really think much about why.

Last night was a blast. I went up to SLC and hung with The Bills. Have I mentioned that I am so lucky to have two families? I really am blessed to be loved by two families. I really am well taken care of! We had a veg in front of the TV night and it was fabulous. I enjoyed watching the season premiere of 24 with them. It was entertaining as well because Dad Bills would sing opera-style during the commercials for our listening pleasure. Love it! Thanks for it Utah Dad!

What else have I done this weekend? I have slept in three days in a row. YIPEE! I finished my grading for the term. YIPEE again! Saturday I went shopping and to lunch with my friend, MOO, and her mother and brother. That was fun. I have been addicted to the clearance at Old Navy. It is 50% off the clearance prices. I have a few new shirts. I have to remember that I must now go through my other clothes and get rid of stuff. I also have to realize that I shouldn't buy lots and lots of clothes because I may...wait...I WILL get a little smaller and these clothes may not look good in six months.

Well, I am off to go to a movie with friends. Be sure to check out the movie blog later. I should be writing about it there! Later.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Peterson said...

Happy civil rights day alice Rita! I am glad you are remembering what this day means. i am also glad that you have the Bills to love and hang with in utah. I bet it really helps since you are far from your family! Good luck with the weightloss...you can do it!!