
Sushi and Parent Teacher Conferences

It is one a.m. That is right, you read that right. I am up at one a.m. on a school night. Crazy, no? Well, granted I was sleeping on my couch from about ten to twelve thirty, so that makes this a little less dramatic. I have a tendency of doing that a lot lately. I think I can stay up longer, but in reality, I fall asleep at a reasonable hour on the couch. I think I used to give my mother a very hard time for doing this every night while I was in high school. It really is funny how much I am my mother's child. We are so much alike in so many ways!

Tonight was Parent Teacher Conferences. It is kinda weird to think that it was the last one of the year. That means we are getting pretty close to the end of the year. I like that idea! The conferences were good. Not as boring as last time because more parents showed up because we bribed them with donuts and a drawing. I have to admit, I will pretty much do anything to be in a drawing and have a chance to win a drawing. I am a sucker for drawings. I think there will be a drawing at my wedding reception in the future.

Tomorrow is Friday. Just thought you should know. I think it is one of my favorite days of the week besides Saturday and Sunday where I actually get to sleep in. Friday just holds so much promise. I like the promise of getting to sleep in the best. The promise of no responsibility is also nice.

By the way, that sushi was a little slice of heaven while having to deal with my 12+ hour day. Those little rolls made life easier and totally worth it today!

Well, I think I am starting to ramble...okay starting may not be the word...I should have said I am going to end rambling. That would be more appropriate. Enjoy your Friday everybody!


The Wolford Family said...

I love you but EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Elizabeth Peterson said...

I will come to your wedding if you have a drawing. But you have to make it good. Like the winner gets to choose one of your gifts. If that were the case then I would come with a really great gift that I could win back. That would be amazing!!

Alice said...

We all have different tastes SARAH....I still love you even though your pallet does not find joy in the wonderfulness of sushi. ELIZABETH: I think I may be more selfish than that with the drawings. Maybe they will be for movie tickets or dinner to Red Robin or Chili's! Let's not get too extreme.

BloggingBills said...

Maybe at our next parent teacher conferences I should have a drawing and I'd get all the parents. Sushi, really? How many points is that? EWWWW I had sushi once at a very traditional Japanese wedding...ewwww.
Yer other ma.