
An inspiring Story.

This post isn't about me but of a man I met while running yesterday. I took part in my first 5k and it was a thrilling experience. Check out my weight loss blog to read all about it!

Anyway, while running I noticed that the man in front of me kept not picking up one of his feet. It made me worry that he was going to trip and in my head I kept thinking: "Man, pick up your feet, you are going to kill yourself."

While discussing it with my running partners, Shule and Janette, one of them said that they thought he must have something wrong with that leg. We kept running and every once in a while we would pass the man and his son. His son was a little guy and I am guessing he was about six or seven. At one point the boy was walking and we were passing him and we encouraged him to keep it up and catch up to his dad again. I think we scared him because we were strangers and he sprinted to keep up with his dad. Toward the end of the race, we passed the man again and he told us that his boy was kicking his butt and we told him that he was doing just fine. It was fun to do this little pass and be passed by this man and his young boy as we all ran and walked at different times.

I was pretty self consumed when I got close to the finish and I passed the man one last time as I sprinted to the finish. It wasn't until we were at the end of the race and waiting for our times to be passed out that I really learned why the man didn't pick up that left foot. I noticed that he was having a hard time standing strait and was leaning or veering to the left. I told him I would be a shoulder that he could lean on for balance and he then told me how he has MS and that his whole left side felt numb due to the running. It was then that I was hit by the awe of his race. I also wished that I would have let him pass the finish before me. He deserved that honor. How courageous it was that a man who had troubles walking would get out on that course and run with his young son. I wish I would have caught his name or got a picture with him, but all I will have to remember from this is his story. It truly will stay in my heart.

I don't think I will be able to complain easily about running hurting or make up excuses for not getting out and running in the future. I will always think of this man and how he was running even when he struggled to stay upright and was in pain. What an inspiration and I will never forget the man who ran with a limp from my first 5k. Where ever you are Superman, I hope you realize what an inspiration you truly are and may God bless you!!!

1 comment:

Morgan Hagey said...

Wow. What an amazing guy!