
Meter Monday

I am a poet.  I said it.  I like to write poetry.  According to my mom, I am very good at it.  According to my poetry professor at Utah State, my poetry is worthy of lots of red pen marks.  Funny thing is that I let him convince me to quit writing poetry for over ten years.  I was young and didn't understand the value of feedback and editing. He happened to be a published poet, so at the time I just assumed I sucked.  And. I. Don't! I wonder what he really thought of my poetry.  Those red marks maybe meant he thought it could improve.  Mindset is everything, isn't it?

So, on Mondays I am going to share with you some of my poetry.  It may be new or old.  Here's one I wrote this week(and it is a work in progress and I now, after years of therapy(that therapy coming from being a member of The Central Utah Writing Project),  I realize writing is a process and really any piece of writing can still be edited.  If you have any suggestions about how to make it better, feel free to share it with me:

Sometimes You Need to Get Lost

My boots a percussion of steps
Crunch, crunch, crunch
Lead me through the falling snow
Wisp, wisp, wisp
To my favorite place to get "lost"
The literary goodness
Enhoused in Provo's hidden gem
Pioneer Book

Shelves stocked with treasure
I the miner who sorts
Organizing refuse from value
Thousands of books I'll never read
flanking the hundreds I will
A lottery is happening and there will be only one winner
I the crane in the crane game
must grab the chosen one
The one I will love or at least like

To read or not to read
That is the question
I open each carefully
Reading the opening sentence
Or a whole chapter
And I choose

Today it is teen fiction
But it won't always be
Thank goodness for weekly walks
And for thousands of choices
To become lost
And to find

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