
Spiritual Thoughts...yes and no

 Sunday on this here blog is set aside for spiritual thoughts. This is a concept that works for all aspects of life:

Read that a few times and let it sink in.

We get to choose most things in our lives. In fact, life is basically a bunch of choices.

Now, I am not saying that things that happen to you are always based on choice. No, you do not choose to have depression. And you certainly didn’t choose to have your house start on fire last year(unless of course you did something careless like leave something on the stove or were playing with matches on the bedroom floor. Then, yes, in a way, you did choose for your house to burn down)

But you do get to choose how to react to each and every situation you find yourself in.

Do you choose to seek get help when you are facing mental health issues? Did you choose to buy fire insurance?

You, my friend, have a lot more control in your life than you think. Do not sit there and just be acted upon. Wake up and choose.

Now, I do like to say choose joy a lot. It is one of my mantras. Part of this has to do with your level of gratitude. Science has proven this lately. There is a study that proves those who write down three things daily that they are grateful for have lower levels of depression. In fact, when we are grateful, our brains get wired to look for more and more things that are going well in our lives. We actually get more grateful as we show gratitude. What?

To me that is something divine. It is a blessing from heaven and a caring Heavenly Father. It makes sense to me that He will bless me more as I am more and more aware of what He already blesses me with. It kinda almost hinges on that whole concept of eternity to me.  It makes sense to my brain.

If you don’t believe this, try it. Make a few minutes each day this week and  write down three things everyday that you are thankful for or that are going well in your life. I do this often in my journal and it really has made my outlook better. I also notice more and more things that are good in my life.

If you do take this little challenge, come back here and report how it went in the comments next Sunday. I triple dog dare you!

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