
Wisdom Within Wednesday

Have you ever finished a book and were both changed by it and also wanted to immediately read it again? That is what this book did for me.

Candace Cameron Bure is one of my favorite peeps. I follow her on Instagram and look forward to all her posts and stories. She is inspirational as a strong woman who works out and she also is inspirational as a woman of faith to me!

She is so much more than just DJ Tanner on Full House or as the girl who does all the Hallmark Movie! There are just not enough words to describe how cool she is and how much I just want to be her friend, even though it’s always weird when somebody is in the limelight and you feel like you know them like a friend.

Candace(I almost used Bure here but really we are fake friends and on a first name basis, just like me and Kelly(Clarkson)) really had found the one thing the world really needs to help change it for the better. Nope, it isn’t money, or less fossil fuels, although those things may have an impact. It’s kindness. When we are kind we can make all the difference in our own lives and the lives of others.

Now, I’m going to take advantage of not being rushed by a reading challenge to move onto the next book and actually reread this book right away and mark the crud out of it. I want to remember so many of the emotions I felt as reading it and also journal the tips I gained to better myself.

Now, it isn’t always easy to be kind and Candance mentioned a few times how she is still a work in progress, as we all are, but kindness is worth it. In fact, “kindness wins”!!!

I encourage you to go out today and do one small thing for somebody else. See how it feels. What change can it have on your own heart? Feel free to share this act in the comments along with how it made you feel. I’d love to hear from y’all.

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