
Eyes on other Things.

   Tech Tuesday is a place for all things technology.  Here we will discuss both low tech and high tech thing-a-ma-jigs.

    “Mommy!  Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!  MOMmy! MOMMy!  MOMMY!!!!!!!!!

“What, Zarah?”

“Mommy, eyes on me.”

She has a pretty great point.  She is one hundred percent more important than my phone.  Being face to face with her beats any scrolling of Instagram or Facebook, the two apps who grab a lot of my attention.

So, one day I decided to come home and put the phone on the charger.

“Okay, guys, I am putting my phone on its charger and you have me for the next two hours.  What are we gonna do?”

I look down at two very shocked, deep in thought faces.

“For reals,” Zarah said, not really knowing what I fully meant.

“So, like Mom, we can do anything?” Ellis inquired.

“Of course, within reason so that we are still safe and happy.”

“Mommy, can we drive our truck around the neighborhood?,” Zarah asks.

“You bet.  You guys get to decide what we do.”

And off we went. Ellis drove first and took us around our block and past some of our friends’ houses.  He was so excited to be able to see an Appa(a character from The Last Airbender) sticker on the back of a friend’s van. Zarah took her turn and went around another part of our neighborhood.  I walked slowly behind.  It was a pretty day and I was glad to be out in the sunshine.  Little did I know that this one little gift of time would help the rest of the night be more calm and relaxed. 

We carry technology around all day.  It often makes life easier and we have a world of information at our fingertips.  It isn’t a bad thing necessarily, but we do need to realize that sometimes we need to plug it into the wall and leave it alone: free from its influence.  I’m happier and have happier kids when we have real together time, what they like to call “Mommy Time.”  Mommy time is low tech and sometimes you just need to go low tech.

Having eyes on other things is needed. Give yourself a break. See what happens. Comment about how it goes.

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