
Christmas Cheer Via a Christmas Star.

      Media Mondays is a place for all things media.  From social media to news media we will cover everything concerning communication.

So.  This week something is happening in the skies that hasn't happened in nearly 800 years.  We will be able to witness Jupiter and Saturn being the closest to each other they have been since the middles ages.  This is called a "great conjunction of planets" and I am super excited for it.  Because this is happening so close to Christmas, this is also being labeled The Christmas Star.  Now, isn't this something to bring a little cheer to your season?  I find it no coincidence that this little miracle is happening now in the middle of a very weird year with the pandemic and all.  I am going to think of it as a special little gift from the heavens to us, showing us the eternal love our Creator has for us all.  The heavens have been a big part of the Christmas story too, remember the wise men being lead by a star to see the Savior in Bethlehem? So, Merry Christmas. Who knows if this was what happened for that great journey, but it's fun to think about, isn't it? Get out there and see for yourself today, December 21st.

    Maybe you don't know this about me, but I am super into all things celestial.  Looking up at the night sky is one of my favorite things.  I can tell you lots of useless information about the universe and beyond, and you can bet I will be out in the cold on Monday to see this phenomenal occurrence.  An extra bonus is that there is also a meteor shower going on at this time and that is an added bonus to this little gift on the Winter Solstice.  (Yea for the days starting to get longer!)

    Seeing this is a Media Monday post, if you would like to read more about the Christmas Star here are a few articles that I liked:




Also, I am a slacker so here are a few Flashback Friday Pictures that could have been published last Friday:

Last year in our matching pajamas.
Ellis at his favorite place in Green Bay
The National Railroad Museum.

My favorite tradition at IHS
Hoodies for all!

Baby Z with Santa at Ellis' preschool.

Ellis with Santa.

Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's.

A favorite place to visit:
The Botanical Gardens in Madison, WI.

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