
Quench Your Thirst

  Thirsty-Thursdays are a place to talk all things thirst. Thirst can be actual, physical thirst and direct us to the subject of tasty drinks, but it can also drive us toward a mental thirst, the thirst for information.

So. Thirst. You probably think about drinking something when you have thirst. But today, I just wanted to talk a little bit about what we all seem to be thirsting for lately.

Christmas was good. It had us focused on tradition and celebration. And then we took the decorations down. My sister said this past weekend that she was taking down their Christmas tree, and she was sad.

We were looking forward to Christmas for months. In the midst of pandemic isolation, it was something to look forward to. I think in life, the biggest need, or thirst we have is to look forward to things.

So, right now, what I am thirsty for is something to look forward to. I want things to go to and things to do. And guess what? I am making a pact right here and now to start planning little adventures. A date with my husband. A girls night out. The next writing group. Summer adventures. It's time to start looking forward.

I am not much of a planner, but I need to make plans these days. So...I am doing just that. Hockey, end of January with a few friends from work. Bowling or axe throwing with my husband, I must call a babysitter. The next writing group is already on the calendar for the second week of February.

What are you thirsty for? What do you need to look forward to? If you aren't making plans, do it now. You will thank me later; I am certain of it.

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