
Write a Postcard, Create a Smile

     I left a Nebraska postcard on my Aunt’s kitchen table today in Green Bay, WI. I’m not sure when I bought it, but I love to write postcard notes and I always have one handy. It’s one of my things. 

     I have a collection of postcards that I keep in a bin in my office. It makes it easy to send a quick note to somebody for a variety of purposes. Postcards are very handy here are five reasons why:

  • 1. Postcards are small. There is a very small time commitment to writing one. You must be concise, and don’t need to get all personal and stuff. They are perfect for thank yous. 

  • 2. Postcards are cheap to send. The going rate to send a regular letter is currently 55 cents. To send a postcard, only 34 cents: instant money saver. (You could buy a fancy hotdog with the money you save? Ask a politician for fact checks on that.)

  • 3. Postcards have cool pictures on them. (See some examples at end of post!). You can send one from a tourist trap or from your hometown and they are still fun to receive.  I guarantee!

  • 4.  People have to work to respond to you. You can find out real quick who your real friends are because you can’t fit a return address on a postcard. Your recipient will have to do a little bit of committed work to thank you for your thank you postcard!

  • 5. They are fun. You smile your recipient smiles. It truly is a win-win situation! 

     I really haven’t found many cons to postcard writing. Well, maybe one thing, it can cost more for the actual postcard than the postage to send it. I bet you can afford 50 cents though?

     As always, if you would like a postcard from me, feel free to contact me via comments or social media. You never know what you’re gonna get!

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