
Sometimes Take the Path Less Traveled

 I wrote this while on a Walk and Write with the Central Utah Writing Project about a week and a half ago.  It was a beautiful walk near Bridal Veil Falls with two of my very favorite people.  Writing always fills my cup and this night was no different for me.

    Sometimes you can take the path less traveled.  You can leave parent teacher conferences early to go and do something you are passionate about.  Sometimes you must take a different route because somebody's lack of breaking reaction causes a pile up in the middle of Bull-Cougar Boulevard.  Even a river at times needs to change its run to find the least resistance, I guess we should be wise and learn to do the same.  

    The past year really has been a very long lesson on going with the flow, flying by the seat of my teacher pants, and being flexible.  But within all this change of course, I have gained a different perspective just like having no choice but to walk a different path to the falls tonight helped me to distance myself and back into an even more majestic view of the water cascading through the fall colors and dividing the rock.

    Taking a step back and changing my course made me realize that we can do things differently.  We don't have to play sports everyday in PE class, there is room for midweek meditation. We don't have to rush through every topic in Health, there is room to concentrate on essential ideas and let kids absorb those concepts deeper.

    Diversion from the normal path can often sound and seem like the wrong path but I'm starting to realize(just like my dad taught me long ago) there are many paths to the desired destination.  Some paths just take longer and have different scenery. 

    Sometimes diversion is what we need to gain a better perspective and more wisdom. So, even though I have often felt like there is only one path an one way to do things, I am changing that view just a bit and making room for other thoughts, other feelings, and just space for a general slow down and enjoy the journey mentality. 

    There is room for all ideas, and room for every path!

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