
I am a Spiritual Person...


January Theme: Who am I? 

I said a prayer before I coached the basketball game today. I asked for safety for both teams. I also asked for my team to play well and that both they and I could remain calm.

I am a spiritual person. I may not always show it on the outside, but I have always been spiritual. When I was young, I would often ponder about being so small in a huge universe yet I would reflect on how this big universe just seems to work.  The rotation of the planet, the things that grow upon its surface..it just all works miraculously well.  At a young age, I just knew we weren’t just some strange accident or coincidence hurling through space.  I sometimes felt insignificantly small…yet I never lost sight of how miraculous my working body is or how I must be around for a purpose.

I didn’t make any big resolutions for this new year.  I did promise to do better at reading scripture everyday.  My church (churchofjesuschrist.org) is studying The Old Testament of The Bible this year.  This past week we have been been studying about the creation.  Lots of concepts have been eye opening and mind blowing.  Genesis talks about that very concept of how everything just works and how our planet helps humankind thrive and survive.  From our water system to our atmosphere to our food, we are connected to our home planet.  

I've been thinking about how amazing that is but I've really been fixed on how beautiful the planet is. Not only does our planet provide safety and nourishment for us, but it also brings joy in the beauty of freshly fallen snow or brilliantly bright sunsets. The variety in landscape often is breathtaking.  The Creator is amazing. And how wonderful it is to be able to reach out and have little moments with Him like the time I had during that prayer today.

Win or lose, when I pray, peace is always given to me. Life is a gift. I hope you are enjoying your little slice of time on this planet today.  You are here on purpose.  May each of us find our purpose and also find joy on the journey to find that purpose and may we also have a peaceful journey. I am a spiritual person!!!

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