
I Love The Seasons of Life

Wise people have often said: "All things come to pass."  I truly love that seasons come and go in this life.  Not just seasons like summer and fall but seasons of grief, sadness, and all emotion.  We endure much, but there is always a season of rest from all trial.  

Basketball season this year as a coach was definitely a season of many highs and lows.  If you were to measure our success by wins versus losses, then we failed.  We only won one game. We lost over ten games.  If you were to measure our success by attendance at practice, we also would be considered failures.  

But I don't consider this season a failure at all.  I first hand saw many successes.  From the fact that a most players couldn't do layups at the beginning but could at the end, to how they learned how to break a press, to how they became much better at shooting free throws, to how we were molded into a team instead of a dozen individuals, we were a success.  Oh how I did love basketball season, even if I am very grateful for a new season of leaving school before 4 everyday and of not having to drive long distances for games.  

I love successful seasons!

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