
Rozzy the Elf.

 It is not too late, I repeat, it is not too late to watch Elf this holiday season.  I am a huge fan of all movies Christmas and Elf is one of my all time favorite quote-able movies. So, if you haven't yet, here is some cute motivation to get onto watching the movie.

Here are three reasons why my dog, Rozz, is like Buddy the Elf:


Just yesterday on a walk, Rozz was walking across a bridge, and ate some unknown substance.  It wasn't gum, but it was just as funny and repulsive as Buddy and the gum! Rozz and Buddy just can't resist free treats.


Buddy is like a three year old with crazy bouts of energy.  Rozz too is like a toddler with his crazy puppy zoomies:

3. Oversized but so lovable.

Buddy just didn't fit in at the North Pole among his fellow elves; he was just too big.  Rozz is also oversized but still thinks he fits anywhere:

You don't have to take my advice but how can you say not to this face?

Rozz says: Go watch Buddy, you won't be disappointed! You can choose whether you pull out your Christmas sweater to do so, but Rozz says everything is better in that sweater.  Okay, so maybe Alice put that thought into Rozz's mouth, but sweaters are amazeballs.

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