
Writing Again

 Hi.  During January, I was a part of a writing group called " 30 Days of Writing Community for Utah Educators."  Each day I received an email that contained a writing prompt for the day.  

I have deemed this year "The Year of Writing,"(which I alternate with "The Year of Reading") so when I heard about this program I signed up quickly.  I have struggled with motivation to do anything the past year and a few months.  Grief with do that for you, I guess.  So, I find it fitting that I share this post with you all first.  The prompt  was about creativity and where you find the inspiration to be creative.  This is what I wrote:


Buried beneath my cold grief

Or it’s cremated?

I have kinda felt unmotivated to create of late.

Maybe it is grief.  Maybe just laziness.

This week it is sickness.  

But I like the haiku I just wrote above.  I like the whole play of words like bury and cremate.  Both death words and related to my mom’s passing.  I really just have coasted at times through things.  I find myself staring at walls or distracted in other ways.  Words seem to escape me.  Silence ensues.  An existence that is narrowed and pale.  My mojo also buried with her in that little  tiny box within a tiny dug hole.  What did I bury with her?  What died with her?  A little bit of my hope.  A little bit of my drive.   A little bit of my motivation.  A little bit of my voice.  Sometimes I feel like I am just going through motions.  Existing.  The pandemic started this process and her passing pulled the rest of the plug.  Ugh."

Writing regularly surely gives more opportunity for writing gems to be created! Glad I wrote that day and made a nice haiku!

As always feel free to interact with me through comments. What did you think about this writing? Any advice for how to improve it? What is your favorite part? Here is your chance to be a literary critic! :)

1 comment:

MBC said...

Lovely writing. And hugs to you.