
The Cake was a Sucess!

There is Janette with her cake. If you do not know Janette, you should; she is nice! She made me dinner which I thought was a good bonus for me seeing it was her birthday. It should be the other way around...on your birthday, people should make you dinner, but whatever! (that was a Janetteism!) The dinner was good. I enjoyed spending time with Janette. It isn't too often that you are able to have the birthday person all to yourself and I did. Fun.

Not much else has happened today. Church was good as it always is. I am sure I learned something. Actually, that wasn't sarcasm, if you were wondering. I really did learn something...like that service is important because the whole reason we are here on earth together is to learn and grow with each other. We can help each other learn and grow. Our needs can help people learn to help us so their needs for helping are met at the same time we get the help we need! Get it? We are so interconnected. If the plan was all about just doing it alone, we would have been sent here alone. But we are here in groups for a real reason!

Boys are weird. I don't understand them at all. One guy I was interested in at one time now is around more. And one that I am trying to get away from keeps hanging on. I cannot get that man out of my hair. I really just think I should swear men off. Life is so much simpler when I am not trying to figure them out. MAN! (literally!) But I guess fear of getting hurt is no reason to miss something and I think figuring them out is part of the journey!

Well, those are my thoughts for now. Happy Birthday Janette! Everybody have a great night!

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