
Love My Saturdays

Howdy again all. I often wonder how many people are truly checking up on me. It would be interesting to know. Maybe it would be better to just email everybody. But I have been so horrible at that lately.

Today was fabulous. First, I woke up at about ten to ten. I like that sleeping in thing. And just saying ten to ten is fun. I really have been tired lately. I do not know why but I have my theories. One being that I am burnt out majorly. After that, I lingered around in my pajamas for a while. I even was out on my porch watching my roommate, Melanie, weed the flower bed. For some reason, the grass just grows like weeds in the bed. Any quick fixes for that, green thumbs? I guess if I do find a way to rid the garden of weeds, then Melanie will not have a stress relief. Maybe they should stay, but only for Mel's mental health.

It was sunny and semi-warm today, so I decided to go for a walk up in the canyon. I do believe that Spring is one of my favorite seasons. Of course, I like most seasons but Winter just seems to last so long. It was pretty. The trees are getting leaves which is very fun. I sure do love my mountains. I live in a very beautiful place. My sister told me that she could see why I lived here. That was while we were walking up in the mountains, of course.

I also did a little shopping. I bought a cake mix to make a cake for my friend, Janette. She turns 29 tomorrow. Poor kid. Just kidding. So I am trying to be a little domestic right now by making her a cake. I am not the best culinary artist so it could be interesting. I try sometimes and sometimes it works; sometimes not so much!

This afternoon I enjoyed sitting out on our porch and reading. The picture for today is of that. I am enjoying taking pictures for this blog. I especially like taking pictures of myself with the self-time on my camera. Amazing stuff. I also like writing on here. It may just be meaningless banter but I think it as a good outlet for me.

Tonight my roommates and I went to the dollar theatre. We saw "Music and Lyrics." It was Mary Beth's and my second time. It is a cute little romantic comedy. Melanie enjoyed it as well. I sure do love my movies too.

Well, not much else is going on here. Just waiting for that cake to be done. Maybe that will be tomorrow's picture :) Have a great day.

1 comment:

Liz L. Jensen said...

I've been reading your blogs since you sent me the link and I really like them! Keep writing :)