
Living in a college town isn't all it is cracked up to be!

Today is a home football game for Brigham Young University. That is great and all, except if you actually live here and have no passion for BYU football. Then it is just an annoyance. I was reminded of how much I hate to drive in Provo during such events as I came back from my bike ride today. So much traffic and bad driving. I had to take the secret slow way to keep my sanity!

I did enjoy the ride in the canyon though. The fall colors are starting to pop. I wish I would have had my camera, but no such luck. Maybe next time.

I think I have adult onset ADHD. I have just been wanting to crawl out of my skin lately. That is weird for me seeing I am usually a pretty calm individual. Maybe it is because I watch too much TV. Maybe I should be a part of a new study to see if TV can also affect adults and make them also get ADHD.

Maybe these ADHD moments come from the socially akward situations that I am placed in. Last night was another birthday party and I really didn't want to go to it. Why do people have to have birthdays all the time? I was at another one last weekend. Then today I have to go to a bridal shower and I really hate bridal showers. I thought I would be done with bridal showers by now seeing so many people in my sphere get married all the time. At 24, I thought I was done. I guess that is not true. Maybe I should just start hanging out with only married people. Then there will be no showers and no receptions to have to live through! SIGH.

Well, I think that is it. Remember to say Yes! It is the theme of the month!

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