
Fall is my favorite!

The temperatures have gone down and that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Wait...maybe the temp. being lower makes me chilly and fuzzy inside. Yeah, that is better. I really am a cool weather type of girl. I think the weather being rainy and chilly this weekend made for a turn around in my attitude. I never claimed to be normal...and that isn't the norm. Most people get excited about Mr. Sun. I like him and all, but he burns me sometimes. And seriously...I like when Ms. Rain makes her appearance. So, needless to say, Alice has been one happy camper the past few days.

Yesterday, I think I had diarrhea of the mouth. I think it is called logorrhea. Or something, I love to learn new words too.(I learned that word at faculty meeting today!) Anyway...I just couldn't stop talking. I really think I have hit a turning point. I think it could also be because I stopped listening to Kelly Clarkson's new CD. I decided to give it a rest...and bam...better mood. Weird huh?

I got to play tennis yesterday. My friend, Bingo, almost decided for us not to go because she is a pansy and didn't think it was warm enough to play. Luckily, we went anyway. It was pretty hilarious to see her all bundled up in a beanie and long sleeves and pants. So funny. It wasn't that cold when you were moving. We decided to end on a tie at 5 games a piece because it reminded us of our childhood when it was the best to end on a tie. No fights, no feelings hurt. Very good all around! Man, I have missed playing tennis. We also went for slurpees afterward which is also a happy maker for me!

Tonight, we play softball again. It is our second game in the tournament. If we lose, we will be done for the season, which would make me pretty sad, but as I age losing isn't as hard as it once was. I am just glad to play and have a good time.

I am horrible at keeping caught up with my grading. My poor little students hate that about me...but they just have to deal with it because it is out of their control and mine really. I did spend two hours grading today after school. It was much needed. Unfortunately, there is still a bit more to grade. Bummer. Too bad I have no motivation ever! Maybe tomorrow! :) Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow!

The pictures are to show why I love this time of year. The trees on the mountains are a changin'. Love it. Man, I love fall. I got to wear pants to school yesterday. It is very cold in the mornings. I love these new Adidas pants...they have a great pajama-like feel! Love it. And the Packers are 3-0...what fan would complain about that? Love it. I love to be able to see highlights on ESPN as well. Love my DVR. I tape Sportscenter every morning and watch it as I eat breakfast. So very nice.

Well, must get ready for softball...wish me luck!

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