
Vent, Vent, Vent!

So, are you ready for a blog post that is full of rage and angst? Well, seeing you are somebody who is reading my blog, I am sure you are up for it.

I was just talking with one of my friends at school about the great art of venting. The only problem each of us have run into when it comes to this subject is that we always feel bad about venting. It makes us feel like monsters who have had a frontal lobotomy. We just feel like big meanies. We also feel that we must stick up for the people being vented about when somebody is venting. Like it is hard for the person outside of the room to have to deal with their ears ringing or something.

I think I am going to have to start going to Ventaholics Anonymous. That is the only solution to this problem. Or I may just have to go on and on in this blog about all the things that make me angry.

Number One: Stupid people being very fertile and smart people not being fertile.

Seriously, Darwin's whole theory basically states that this should not be happening. For the good of all societies stupid people should not be reproducing. But for some reason, they are. Stupid people's children are being born right now. Stupid peoples children are being put in jail right now. Stupid people right now are getting pregnant. Stupid people right now are getting other stupid people pregnant. When is this craziness going to stop?

And why is it that the fittest people to be parents, who desperately want to have children, can't have them. This is just not fair!

Number Two: No matter what career you choose, there will always be the gloom of politics lurking in every corner.

I am supposed to get getting a 2500 dollar bonus this year from the Utah State Legislator. Well, this money has already been given to the school district I work for. Is this a bonus for all school districts? NO. This money is for teachers. But for six months the district will make money off of my money by putting it in a bank and getting the interest. Fair? I think not. Shouldn't I be able to put my own money in a bank and make more money via interest? Not so nice.

I was discussing this with a co-worker today and I was going on and on about politics and how if I did change careers to journalism I would still have to deal with the downer of politics and that I should just become a driver for FedEx. Unfortunately, she had to remind me that there was surely politics involved in the shipping industry as well. Drats!

Number Three: Twenty four hours are just not enough hours to do everything I want to do.

I want to read a million books. I want to ride my bike endlessly. I want to write a novel. I want to sleep. I want to learn how to make a million dollars. I want to play frisbee golf. So many things to do and so very little time. And on top of that I have 70 hours of TV waiting to be watched on my DVR. SIGH!

Lastly, Number Four: I know so many amazing women who happen to be getting closer to thirty or even older than thirty and they are single. I also know many married people who have no right to be married.

Seriously, where are all the men? I am sick of being dateless and bored when it comes to my social life. I have been pondering all of this because I always think that if guys are 30 and over that they must be losers and weird or they'd be married. That is normal to think but then I started to think about myself and how I am over thirty and also single. Does this mean I am a loser and weird? My friend, Pansy, assured me that it wasn't me, but I think she is biased being a woman who is also approaching thirty and still single. And why are so many idiots married(no, not all married people are idiots, just so many of them!). These people are mean and stupid. Why do they get the opportunity to be married?

I think I am so ornery this week because I have been taking Centrum Silver vitamins. Maybe this combination of vitamins makes one become a geriatric. I am becoming a angry old woman. I know it is true. So, very crabby, thinking that the world is out to get me and just trying to make me mad. Where did all these whippersnappers come from?

I hope you enjoyed my little vent session. It has definitely made me feel better, which proves my theory: Venting is good for the soul!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In reference to vent #4- I have found that if you are LDS that good guys are few and far between. I don't know why but before I was married and in the singles ward it seemed like if a guy was half normal and had a job he had a harem of girls flocking around him. He didn't even have to be educated! Yet there were about ten thousand beautiful, smart, funny, nice, fun, educated, girls who were single. It makes no sense to me at all.