
Welcomed Weekend!

I only taught for four days this week, but am still massively tired. I am always amazed by my body's ability to fall asleep during the school year. When summer is here, I have no problems staying awake until one of two in the morning. During the school year it is a completely different story! I have been watching the TV show House the past few weeks on DVD. I am trying to get caught up before the real show comes on in a few weeks. Well, every night that my friend and I watch it, I miss at least one episode. It is like I have developed narcolepsy. It is crazy.

Today I went to the funeral of the wife of one of our teachers at Independence. I hate funerals. Seriously, I don't even think I will want to go to my own. Why is it that we do not do so well with death? It is something that happens everyday. Maybe it is because we are reminded of how fragile life truly is and how short it also is. I also think it makes us think of people who we love that one day we may have to say goodbye to and that is depressing. I also am no good at saying anything to people who have lost a loved one. Jose(JROTC teacher at our school) has been so strong during this whole ordeal. He even smiled at us as he was walking into the service today. That amazes me. If I were in his position, I only imagine myself covering my face and crying very loudly. There would be much wailing. He has such a positive outlook and is one of the most amazing people I know. The funeral itself was so beautiful. Jose's kids wrote such good eulogys. It was touching. I was very glad though that we sung hymns in Spanish because the service took place in a Spanish LDS ward. Singing "God be with You 'Til We Meet Again" always gets the waterworks going in me. It was much easier to sing the Spanish words.

Right now, I am sitting in the Provo City Library. I like the library. It is a nice place. It is rather noisy right now, but I am not trying to study or anything so that is good. I am, on the other hand, totally procrastinating actually grading the assignments I must grade while being here. I cannot just sit in my own house and grade anymore. I must have the internet and tragically there is not enough signal to do so at my house! Dang stealing the internet just won't be possible anymore. Sad Days!

Tonight, I will be watching "The Office" on DVD with some friends. The third season came out on DVD Tuesday, and I am going out to purchase it today. We have been waiting for this moment for a while. I think I really am a TV junkie. Most people look down on that but I really am enjoying it. Crazy weird.

I am also a DVR addict. I have about 70 hours of taped shows on my Dish right now. I love being able to fast forward through the boring parts of baseball games. I also love being able to not HAVE to watch commercials. It is awesome. Another cool thing is that I can watch two things at once. It has come in very handy already as I will watch a Dodger game at the same time I am watching college football. It is wonderful!

If you are thinking of getting satilitte TV, DO IT! And if you are serious, go with Dish Network. I find them the best and if you do get Dish, please put me down as a reference. I get a discount and so do you! :) See everybody wins!

Well, until next time.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Go Dodgers! Tell them I'm still rooting for the even from the east coast.
I was sad to hear about Jose's wife. I love him!
I love reading your blog. It's good to know I'm not the only one who loves TV. One day we'll have cable!