
The Glass IS Half Full!

Hi guys. Welcome to the blog. Glad you decided to come in and have yourself a read. I am glad that I decided to come on in and have myself a write. Today was a very good day. I like good days. Some of my favorite things today were: 1. One of my students, T-Roy, who was failing up until today. He turned in three journals during class. This may not seem like a big deal, but you don't know T-Roy. He has absolutely no motivation and usually would rather get under your skin than do anything remotely like work. So, I was proud of him today. He also was having a hard time with one of the assignments today in class and I was already totally angry at the whole class because they were acting like I wasn't even there so I really didn't want to have to spoon feed him through the whole assignment. The cool thing was that I looked at one of my stellar students and said: "Hey, would you mind helping T-Roy with the assignment, he really could use it." She said "Yes!" and immediately invited T-Roy to move his desk next to hers. Wow, did that make my life easier because I know I would have been totally annoyed if I had to coach him. Way to go T-Roy! And way to go Stellar Student! 2. Tail Winds. Riding up into the canyon was fabulous today. Usually, it is fabulous but I had a buddy pushing me uphill. I like to call this friend, wind! I cut almost 7 minutes off my time thanks to the help. 3. Lacrosse- This sport is a wonderful sport. When my PE students play it, it is even more entertaining than ever. It reminds me of a bunch of kids playing a game of youth soccer. Wherever the ball is, a swarm of students are there trying to get it. So funny. I love to see them challenged by a sport that most of them have never played. It really makes me happy to see the over-confident students humbled by the experience. 4. Having what I need. Even though I only have 40 dollars until payday, it is so comforting to know that I have a house to live in, food to eat, and a car to drive. I am so very blessed in my life and each day is a new adventure. 4. Friends who love me for who I am. Man, I really can be a roller coaster to deal with. I do not know why I have been like this lately but I always have been a sensativepants. I really can be emotional at times and totally read the wrong things about people. One such friend was called selfish the other day. I felt horrible and apologized twice. The funniest thing about it is that what the friend was doing that made me think they were selfish is something they always do. But because my chemicals were out of whack, I totally was overly sensitive about it. It was very funny though, because this friend is awesome because of their ability to just not take things personally and not get offended. I like that most of my friends are just laid back and easy going. I like to think of myself as laid back...but about every 28 days, I am not! So, I apologize for my sensitivity and emotions of late. I hope all can forgive me!

I really wish I could tell you all the most hilarious story of the week, but I must save it until I am out of the radar. In other words, there must be time for the person who created all of the hilariousness to forget what my blog address is. If you are curious, please email me: softballrita@gmail.com I will be glad to tell you all about it. It makes me chuckle oh so much and really has gotten my spirits up. I find myself laughing aloud a lot and I really hope people don't see me and think I am completely crazy because I am just standing there chuckling.

Well, I think that is all I have today. Remember to count your blessings and realize how good you have it. No matter what your circumstances, there is always somebody who is worse off then you!

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