
Is It Friday Yet?

I think if you were to ask some of my co-workers what my most used quote is they would definitely pick "Is it Friday, yet?" I like Fridays. Unfortunately, I live for them a little too much! But you can still enjoy my tag line right now while you read. And no, sweetheart, it is not Friday yet!

I just spotted my special friend from Saturday. I am going to avoid that part of the library, quite possibly for the rest of my life! He just headed towards where I was sitting on Saturday. I am assuming that is where he hangs and now I know! See NBC is right; it is all about the more you know!

Well, I think this post may be the most random post of them all. I really have so many things running around my brain, and yes it does hurt when things run around your brain.

One of my favorite quotes of the day came from my principal. You know the one who is always making me feel bad that I am single. Well, she said something along the lines that her life was so much easier and better when she was single. To which I thought, man she really is a walking contradiction a lot of the time. Funny. But it also did remind me that I really need to relish each moment that I have at any point in my life. Life truly is all about change and I will not always be the girl I am right now. I must love every moment(yes, even if I do not want to watch people kissing in the library and want this moment to pass...I will still cherish it!). I think being a single girl has its advantages and living alone has many too. First, I never have to worry about the toilet paper being the right way because I choose that it will go over the top and in the front. I also never have to worry that it will be empty on the roll and even if it sometimes is, I am the only person I can get mad at because of it. Second, I do not have to check in with anybody or ask permission to do anything. I pretty much can do anything I want at any time and there are no consequences. (okay, so I can't do anything illegal and have no consequences but you get my point!) Third, I only have to do my dishes and laundry, nobody Else's. Fourth, I choose the TV program at all times. Except maybe when Ice is visiting. So, my life is pretty spectacular.

Divorce is another thing that is on my mind right now. I know somebody who is in the beginning stages of a divorce. I totally feel bad for this person. To have your life totally uprooted so quickly just doesn't seem fair. I would not wish this on anybody. Except for maybe my exes but that is a whole other story.

Anyway, the more lighter part of all my thoughts on that discussion is how funny it seems that as soon as somebody who has been married is all the sudden single again it seems as if they can be on my team again. It is like, wow, now they can sit at my table at lunch again. That is so very weird to me. But funny all at the same time. It is just funny how a person will get married and then all of the sudden it is taboo for a single person to spend time with them. Weird. Anyway, enough about that...too depressing and weird.

Well, I think I have run out of random things to say. But I am sure by this time tomorrow, I will have plenty more to say. Until then, Cheers!

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