

Question: Why do people who have no people skills end up in a position as the head of human resources?

Answer: No clue

Every time I go into deal with issues that only can be solved by human resources at the office of my employ, I try to avoid the woman who I like to refer to as, Grumpy. I hope as I walk through the door that she will have gone home already or that my favorite person in the office will be there to cheerfully call out my name and ask: "How are you?" The nicest person knows that being in human resources means that you must be able to relate to humans and that you are, in fact, supposed to be a resource to all of the humans you come in contact with. I like her. Grumpy, on the other hand could, be the last person on earth and I would still vote her off the island.

Today I walked in to find Grumpy at the front desk. I thought to myself, be nice and maybe she will be nice back. I said hi and how are you doing. No response. I started for the actual human resource office and she stopped me: "NOBODY'S in there!" I then explained my dilemma and she flatly said I would have to wait for the nicest person in the office to be back to get done what I needed to be done. I was peeved because this basically would take at tops three minutes and Grumpy is perfectly able to get the job done. Because Grumpy was so short and mean and scary, I just gave her the thing I needed to be signed and walked away as she was saying: "I am perfectly able to help you but I am too good for this peon type of work and I really don't care about what you need because this life is all about me, so you will have to call my nicest colleague tomorrow to see when it will be done." She really didn't say that, but that is what I heard.


Moo said...

I think people in human resources are often grumpy because whenever someone comes to see them it is because they have a problem that needs to be fixed. They are dealing with people that are upset all day long. Just a thought and not a deep one at that.

Erin said...

Dearest friend, I agree completely! Every human resource person should have to take lessons from dad-the human resource guru.

CassiLou said...

that sux. i'm sorry. i hate it when people are dumb. maybe you have to put it ouw into the universe and i KNOW it will come back to you ;)