
Turkeys on Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was a great day, as it always is. I got to the Bills at about 11 and watched the Packer game with them. At halftime, I peeled potatoes. I couldn't even make too many this year because there was only one bag. Good thing. I am the potato queen and one year I encouraged everybody to peel more potatoes. It was tragic(but really not to me) because we had lots and lots of leftover potatoes. I love mashed potatoes and personally don't think there can ever be too many of them.

After dinner, we played bingo, which is Bills family tradition. I never won a game on my own, even when I played two cards. I gave up after about six rounds. I still got a wonderful prize, a ceramic pig. I should post a picture of it on here, it is amusing.

We then at pie, which is the perfect way to end Thanksgiving. I had a very enjoyable time. I then drove back to Provo and slept and slept. Man, I love vacations and sleeping in. I am very excited to think that I still have a weekend left.

Today I woke up, obviously and then I went to the laundry mat and washed five loads of laundry. I guess you could say it was about time. After that I came home and actually put all of the clothes away, right away. That is a rarity for me. I usually leave the clothes in the bags until it starts to bug me because I can't find any of my clothes. I think it will be good to know where all my clothes are this time around. I then cleaned up a little in my apartment. Thrilling day, I know. I will head back up to Salt Lake tonight to go to one of my former roommate's wedding reception. I am kinda done with wedding receptions but people don't understand that and keep getting married. After the reception, I will be heading to the Bills. Tomorrow we will go to the grandparents house to watch the BYU-Utah Football game. I think I may just be the only one cheering for the Utah Utes. Sorry BYU fans, I am not a BYU fan. They disappointed me long ago and now I pretty much love to cheer against them.

Well, I think that is it for today. I hope all is well and that everybody had a great Thanksgiving. I also hope you are enjoying leftovers. I think they are one of the best part of the whole Thanksgiving experience.

1 comment:

Moo said...

Since you didn't peel too many potatoes yesterday, I did. I lot too many and we couldn't fit them in the pot to cook. Oh well! Glad all is going well. I looked for that item in early morning shopping, but it was sold out. Have a great rest of the weekend.