

I am tired.  I drove to Green Bay today and back today.  I got to see my little Grandma so it was worth it, but it has made me tired.  I am just writing a few lines before I escape to watching a DVD while in my pajamas. 
Two things you should know about me:  (I don't know why I picked two, maybe it sounded better than only writing one and it is all I can handle tonight.)
1.  I have the same eyes as some of my relatives.  No, we do not share the same pair, but our eyes are very similar.  I noticed that today when I was having lunch with Grandma Rita and Aunt Jeanie.  We have squinty eyes and the pupils are similar.  They are not necessarily the same hue, but similar colors.  I think that is a very cool thing to have in common with people.  My mom's eyes are almost the same as mine.  We even have twin yellow rings around our pupils.  (Can you tell I am an eye person?  It is the first thing I notice about people and I am intrigued by beautiful eyes.  I can even tell you the eye color of all my friends!)
2.  I NEVER make my bed.  I figure you are going to sleep in it again within 24 hours, so why make it?  The only time I feel guilty about not making my bed is when I visit home.  My parents(I am guessing my father makes it everyday) always have a made bed.  This is nice and all, but I am not about impressing people (maybe some of you have figured that out about me seeing I am always wearing a hat, t-shirt, and jeans, with no make-up).  I just close the door if I really think people will be judging me based on my bed cleanliness.  Funny thing is that my bed in Provo is actually made right now.  I guess I will make it if I am not going to be in it within 24 hours!  :)
I will write more tomorrow and put a picture of my cute little Grandma on as well.  She is just so cute, I just want to squeeze her, but in a good way!  Nighty Nite.

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