

Well, I was able to spend some time with my cute Grandma on Thursday. So very nice. I had a nice lunch with her and my aunt Jeanie. I think she is very cute in her chair next to her Christmas tree.

Friday, I went to Wausau to go to dinner with my friends from way back in high school, Marla and Kim. I am still in awe that they knew me back in my awkward days and still are my friends. Actually, I am surprised that people are friends with me now; I am still awkward. I kept telling a lot of my friends this past month that I just feel awkward all the time. It is weird.

Anyway, we had some great Mexican food including some fine fried ice cream. Love it. We then went back to Kim's house and were entertained by Ty. He had a crush on Marla and kept getting "in her face." It was funny. We just chatted and kinda watched Cars. I then stayed at Marla's house because it was crazy snowing all night and I really didn't feel like sliding all the way back to Rhinelander.

Marla had to work all night while I slept. Luckily, she will no longer have to do it because this is her last weekend of night shifts. She is very thankful for that. After she was done with work this morning, we chatted and chatted as usual. We also ate some McDonald's and watched a few episodes of The Office. I laughed my head off at the "Beach Games" episode. I had forgotten how hilarious it is. I was very proud of Pam Beesly in the show and how she tells Jim how she really feels and even walks through fire. If you are not and Office addict, you really need to borrow my DVDs and become one. And seeing the writers are on strike, you can get caught up! :) See, I can see something positive in that!

When I got back to Rhinelander today, my sister and her family were here already. It was fun to get to spend time with them today. My sister and I escaped the madness and went to play trivia at my favorite bar and after dinner we went shopping. I really love my time with her! My mom called us while we were at the bar and asked us to get ice. That is why you see my dad trying to deal with the ice in those pictures at the beginning of this blog. My mom asked for a few cups of ice, so we brought back ten pounds. We are over achievers, always have been.

One final note, those little dolls are supposed to be all of the characters from The Wizard of Oz. Marla's Mom gave them to her for Christmas. Marla and I both think they are creepy. Those dolls with the eyes just get me. We decided it may be because of all the horror films that have had those kind of dolls in them, like Chucky. Her mom likes them a lot. We do not. Marla thought it would be funny to be holding them next to the bed while I slept. I told her I probably would have wet the bed because I would have gotten so creeped out. She also was going to line them up outside the bathroom while I was getting ready this morning, but they would not stand up. I was kind of glad for that. I think we could have lots of fun with these dolls in the future. I have a weird feeling that I will get one for my birthday. Who knows? :)

Well, better sleep so I can go to church tomorrow and quit this whole inactivity I have been having. Cheers.

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