
The Last Greeting from Wisconsin for a Few Months!

Last day in the home land. It is kinda weird. At least the Packers won today which makes leaving more sweet than bitter. I am not going to talk much about leaving because then I will leak out of my eyes and I don't like to leak!

The packing for the trip back is actually done. Usually it isn't until 11pm that the packing is done. I wanted to be able to hang out with the niece and nephew for my last night. We plan on watching Cars. I like that movie, and seeing I talked through it the other night, it will be nice to watch it again.

I actually fly out at 5am. Yes, that is right, no mistype. I actually fly away at five in the morning. It is crazy and people should never have to be anywhere that early in the morning, but I will be on an airplane at that time tomorrow morning.

It is always hard to leave, but I know I am still in the place I am supposed to be. There is a song by Carrie Underwood that is all about sending love to home, but really knowing, that even though it is hard to be away from family, you are in the right place for you. I know that still. I am supposed to be in Provo just as much now as I was six years ago. I don't know the reasons why, but I know that God has purpose for me there! Even as I write that I get teary eyed, which means it is still true after all these years!

Tomorrow after the trip back to Utah, I will be hanging out with my adopted family, The Bills. Morgan and Sarah are both in Salt Lake. I don't see them much so I always take the time to spend time with them when I can! My friend Ben, who lives in Des Moines, will also be there. He, Sarah, and I went to high school together back in the day. It will be like a Wausau West mini reunion!

Well, I don't have much else to say. I do know that I will be writing about some of my New Years resolutions as soon as 2008 gets here. I wish it would hurry up already. Just kidding. I am always excited for the new year though because it always feels like a new beginning. Kinda like when I got baptised. It just seems like a clean slate for everything. It also brings a hint of excitement to think about what will happen in the coming year. Ooooo.....excitement!

Well, this may be it for this year. So, see ya next year. Take care of yourself! :)

p.s. The picture is of one of the festive things we have at the house. The horse is pulling a Christmas tree. It was one of my Grandpa Huven's favorite things. My sister thought it needed a nun on the back of it to guide the horse. I thought that was hilarious. You will have to look really, really close to see the nun...enjoy!

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