
Awkwardness breeds awkwardness!

Have I mentioned that I feel awkward a lot of the time lately?  Well, I do.  The most recent awkwardness was going to Family Home Evening with my fellow single ward members tonight.  I do not know what happened but all of the sudden I was acting like an obnoxious 21 year old.  Not that I am saying that the people that I was hanging out with were obnoxious, but I started to be.  Then after I realized that I was acting like that, I just felt awkward.  I really have this whole awkward thing going well lately.  I also have a love of pink going on too.  I really think that these things go together.  I think that maybe I never had my awkward going through puberty experience because I was too busy being a tom-boy and playing sports.  All of the sudden, I am girly.  (well as girly as this girl can get!)  It is weird.  Maybe this is my awkward teen years catching up with me at 30.  That must be it!

I am not a very good teacher these days.  I am going through my hard month either early or late.  I don't remember having a real hard time in November, so maybe I am having that hard time now.  The next hard time should not be coming until February.  So maybe I am early.  Maybe I will only have one hard time this Winter.  Who knows?  All I know is that I am having a hard time being a good teacher right now because I really just don't care.  Maybe it is that whole new attitude of "whatev"

Well, short and sweet today.  

Enjoy my lucky shirt backwards thanks to the computer inverting it.  I am glad that it really isn't that way on my shirt because then I think people might stare and that would just add to all my awkwardness!


The Wolford Family said...

Alice I love your shirt and especially your PINK phase. It's sooooo girly!!!!!
Don't worried about not acting your age, have you seen me with Morgan??

Morgan Hagey said...

Hey, we act our age... just crazy-like.