

Well, it snowed quite a bit this weekend.  It made me want to move to any island that would be warm all year long.  I envision myself eating lobsters that I would catch for myself and just lying on the beach all the time.  Maybe I would not want a deserted island though.  It is nice to have people to talk to and to be able to go to the store to buy things like books.  Anybody want to move to an island with me?

I didn't do a whole lot this weekend.  Friday night, I watched 24 with a friend.  Saturday, I did a whole lot of nothing with a bit of cleaning here and there.  Saturday night, I ate dinner with a different friend and also went to the movie Juno.

Today I taught the lesson in Relief Society, and it was a relief to have it over.  Tonight, I am tired and it is only 9.  I am thinking of staying warm in my bed while reading Twilight.  I know if I go to sleep right now, I will be up at 4 and that would be no fun.

Here are a few of my New Years Resolutions:

1.  Lower my blood pressure-I have already been to my doctor and am on meds now.
2.  Be more spiritual-Lots of churchy stuff for me.  I even have a chart that I put a star on for each day I read my scriptures.
3.  Be more patient and nice-I am more conscious of this even if I sometimes have no patience with my students.  I am working on it.
4.  Write and read more- I want to write three poems a month and write a chapter to my novel.  I also want to read more good books.  I think I am doing better at the reading already.
5.  Play that banjo- I bought a banjo for 90 dollars this summer but have not been good about playing it enough.  I am planning on getting a teacher in the next month.

Well, there you have it, my big five.  I have also adopted a new attitude called "Whatev."  I am trying not to freak out so much about things I shouldn't.  Sometimes I just have to remind myself to breathe and and that things will happen when they need to happen.  Being less stressed is always a good idea!

Well, I hope you have not broken your resolutions yet but I would also hope that your realize that even if you break one or all of them, that you can start again.  I think it is pretty funny that people won't make resolutions just because they think they will not keep them.  You can do anything that you want to and even if you stumble a bit, you can get back to it.  Remember that most habits take 21 days to actually become habit.  So, maybe by Jan 21 we will all be a bit closer to being real good at our new resolutions!  

Good luck, and good night! :)

p.s.  thought it would be appropriate to add some photos of New Years at the Bills for my resolution post.  There are also some deep in thought pics of me in my office.  I am thinking of how I will ever have a clean desk and be ready for second semester.


Moo said...

So far, so good on the resolutions. I don't like to break mine, so they are always "gain weight and eat like crap". So sad that I didn't come this weekend. Hope to see you soon.

Morgan Hagey said...

Love the hat! Seriously, I must get myself one of those...