
Normal Blood Pressure, Already?

Yesterday, as stated before, was a day of shopping. I got myself a new Blood Pressure monitor. I thought it was broken because when I took my blood pressure last night, it was in the normal range. I am never in the normal range; my blood pressure is always high. My friend always has low blood pressure, so she tried and and we found out that my new gage is actually accurate. After being on the drug for my HBP for only two days, it has already regulated my BP. Awesome huh? The most awesome part is that I really haven't had any side effects either. That is great news huh? Enjoy the picture of me and my new monitor with a normal reading! Thanks Sue for making me try something else before giving up!

The Packers lost in overtime today. That was hard on me. I was sad and still am sad. Oh well, I guess the Super Bowl will be like most Super Bowls for me-uninteresting! Even though the Giants beat the Packers, I will probably root for them in the Super Bowl. Nobody likes the Patriots, except for maybe weirdos!

Well, not much happening here. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and having the day off. Not much planned just some laundry and maybe a movie!


joanna said...

Yeah I was pretty bummed that the Packers lost too. I was rooting for them for you! I agree with you about only weirdo's liking the Patriots. I mean no team can be so good, there's got to be something fishy going on there.

Morgan Hagey said...

Stupid Packers.

I'm glad your BP is normal. That's awesome!