
To Warm Sleeps!

Today I bought a new comforter for my bed. I am so excited to sleep because of it. I am sure I will be up later but it is a good to know I will be real warm when I do get to sleep. I shopped and shopped and shopped like normal when my friend Moo is in town. I got myself some gum, the comforter, and a blood pressure cuff. Very exciting stuff. Do realize, if you are my friend and come to visit me, I will be having you take your blood pressure. It is a good thing to know. I need to measure mine tonight.

I was so very lazy today. I got out of bed about 9am and then got myself to my couch where I lounged around and watched movies until about one this afternoon. Then I cleaned up a little and went off to the shopping with Moo. We also had some fabulous food from Mimi's. I had the Turkey, yum!

Not much else of note today.

The trainings I went to for work this week were good. At least Thursday was good. Friday, I pretty much mentally slept through. It was a bit boring. At least they feed us well. Last night was also Burger Friday and that is always fun. We ate and then played some games. Good times.

Well, until later. A

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