

I think I have gotten over the fact that there is snow on the ground and can finally blog.

I had a great time down in Lynndyl, Utah this past weekend. I drove down on Friday after work. Just leaving this valley is a vacation sometimes. It was a great drive. Very relaxing.

I visited my friend, Megan and her family. They are awesome. It was fun even if it didn't seem that we did all that much. Friday we ate and then went through drawers at her grandmother's house. Seriously, it was as if we were sifting through time as we were sifting through those drawers. The picture with all the things is of some of the treasures I found. My favorites were the Avon cologne that came in the car glass bottles. It reminded me of my dad's collection that was always on the shelfs in the house I grew up in. The ones at Megan's grandma's even smelled like the ones my dad had.

Saturday, I was able to go "farmering." Well, we actually didn't do anything to help the farm but we did explore, seeing the whole purpose of my trip was so I could see baby cows. Man, I love baby cows...they are so dang cute. I got to sit on a tractor and talk to cows which just brought me back to my childhood. I spent a lot of time on my grandfather's farm growing up and those are some of my favorite memories. I used to get up at 5am to go help grandpa. I called this "farmering." Megan had a fun time driving her dying car around their farm. One of the pictures was taken as we drove through the weeds. What and adventure. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Another thing that reminded me of being on my grandpa's farm was the aluminum cup I got to drink water out of in Megan's house. My grandpa and grandma has lots of cups like that. Such a distinct taste drinking water out of one of those cups.

I love hanging out with Megan because we do not have to do anything to be entertained. Thanks for the fun this weekend, Megan.

Last night I also got to go to another Blaze game. They are now 0-6. I think I am bad luck seeing they are having the worst season ever and I just bought season tickets this year. Dang it! Oh well. It is still fun to go up to Salt Lake every once in a while with my friend, Anjai. She is cool!


Erin said...

From now all, all agricultural activities will be referred to as 'farmering' heheheheheheehhe!

Moo said...

Yeah! Thanks for coming down to visit this weekend. I had lots of fun. Guess what, someone might buy my car! Funny, huh?