

I think I have slipped back into the blah of winter. I really feel as if I have nothing to write about lately.

The highlight of today was the dying of my hair. It was really exciting the first time. The second time it was okay. Today, the third time, it just seems like a chore. It was pretty funny to see my friend, Alyssa, decide that she needed to give me a make-over. She always dyes my hair but today she decided she also had to style the hair after the dying. She also asked if she could do my make-up, but I had to draw the line. She is funny.

April Fool's Day was pretty fun, though. All of the students in our school thought it would be pretty funny to pretend to skip class and go to in school suspension during fourth hour. It was amazing to see that they could actually organize something together. I told my girls PE class that I was pregnant. That was hilarious. They believed me. Good times on the Fool's Day!

I just had some Nutella on toast. Man, is that stuff good. I think it is a new addiction.

It is cold I must go and huddle in my bed and sleep. Happy Mid-Week!


Erin said...

It is warmer today. And, no snow! :-) Perhaps you should consider relocating to warmer climes? I feel so bad for you when the winter blues set in!

Mel said...

No joke! I just had a Nutella sandwich! Yum-O! I make them in my sandwich maker.

Morgan Hagey said...

I want to see your hair!