
Can anybody say Hypochondriac?

Tomorrow I am going to the doctor. I have been feeling faint on occasion and my heart does some weird hiccuping sometimes. Of course, I automatically think I am going to die and start looking up all sorts of symptoms on webmd. Then I start to have all the signs of a heart attack because I envision myself having one. My arm started to hurt and be numb. This could be because I took my blood pressure a hundred times in the space of two days because of the lightheadedness and worrying it had to do with low blood pressure. It also could be that I slept on it weird. Silly hypochondriacs. We will see if there is any major problems tomorrow. Hopefully, my mother is not too scared and worried about this. I told her about it last night.

Today was good. I am being a horrible teacher. I start things with the kids and then don't finish them. Bad Teacher. I got to go bike riding this evening. It was beautiful. It has been hot here lately. The A/C was running again tonight. Funny how I complain about cold all winter and now complain about hot. Crazy.

Well, six days left to wake up early. Hot diggity dog! :)


Anonymous said...

It's probably just a virus. Lots going around here.

Let me know as soon as you know anything.

Love MOM

Moo said...

It's probably Ebola. My ex-roommates and I used to blame all weird symptoms on Ebola, whether it was or not.

CassiLou said...

Alice, alice, alice... I know you are going to be just dandy. I hope your appointment went well (or should I say is going well, since you should be there right now.) I want to hear all about it tomorrow. Cass