
I Am Not Dying!

The trip to the doctor was bearable. Of course, before I even went, I was feeling better.

My doctor told me the hiccup of my heart was something that about 33% of the population has and that I shouldn't worry about it unless it hiccups a lot at once. He also said all of the things I was complaining about could be do to stress and lack of sleep. Hello...end of school, move coming up, and I never sleep enough!

The week is going slow. I guess that is because it is the end of the year. I really have nothing of note to tell you about life except the trip to the doctor. Thrilling isn't it?

Well, off to bed. I can now count the number of school days on one hand. Excellent!

1 comment:

CassiLou said...

See, I told you so! (And I don't mind saying it.) I'm glad things went well.