
Dominoes Domingo!

Not a whole lot of news here from Alice. This weekend, my friend, Marla(have you made the blog yet, Marla?) came to visit. We had a good time playing dominoes, going to a movie, and just visiting! It is wonderful to have friends that know who I really am and still want to be my friend. It is also really cool to have a few close friends from high school. Man, Marla knew me when I was pretty awkward and weird, and she is still around. Shocking! Oh wait I am still kinda awkward and weird! Oh well!

We saw the new Steve Carell Movie, Get Smart. It was very good and pretty much Hilarious. I don't think I have been to a Steve Carell movie that didn't make me laugh. I sure do like that guy! I made my mom watch Dan in Real Life with me on Friday and I think I might actually get her to watch The Office now. Let's hope she gets and likes the humor! :)

I found a really cool little mountain bike trail that is very near my parents house. I went thinking that it wouldn't be much(it is maintained by the local high school for cross-country skiing), but was pleasantly surprised to find that it is a pretty cool little system of trails. Many of you are probably bored already with the talk of trails, so I will move on.

I made my bed today. That is news sometimes. What else? I have been looking for hotels in San Francisco. I am very excited to go with my mom. We are going to have a blast. The only trouble with going is that I have to go to a conference. SIGH. Does it make me a bad person to dread the conference but be really excited about a free trip to California? I get to see the ocean for Pete's Sake! :)

Well, I think that is the major news of the day. You are all nice. Have a superb day!

1 comment:

Moo said...

Wow! You made the bed. I'm either proud of you or disappointed in you, as I have the same philosophy on bed making as you do.

Happy Trails!