
Lazy Tuesdays.

Okay so everyday lately has been lazy. I just don't know why I like doing nothing. Oh wait, that is part of who I am.

I have been reading the first Harry Potter again. Very good stuff. I think you get much more out of it the second time around. I was inspired by one of my friends who just finished reading the series again.

Other than reading, I really did a whole lot of nothing today. Okay, so I did do laundry and I did even make my bed again. Sorry Moo, I do not know what has gotten into me lately. I did write a bit in my novel today. Did all of you know that I am writing a novel? It is pretty silly. I think I am pretty much a hopeless romantic or something because my main character, who happens to me a male, tries to pick up on all the chicks. What is wrong with me? I try to write a serious novel and it may turn out being like a Danielle Steel steamy romance novel. Okay so maybe not that steamy seeing I am a good Mormon girl, but it could be close. Why am I writing from the perspective of a male, you may ask? I really don't know. Maybe they are easier to write. Seems like they are pretty simple. They like sports, love to eat, love women(well most of them anyway) and that is pretty much them. I don't know if I am any good at writing from the male perspective though. My main character may totally be a pansy. I am a girl after all!

I also bought a new fishing pole today. Of course, because I am lazy, I was not able to go fishing today because I ran out of time before my softball game. SIGH. And it is supposed to rain tomorrow so I may not get out tomorrow either. DOUBLE SIGH!

It was fun to travel to Wausau and play softball as it always is. We actually won again. I guess this team is a little bit better than my other team in Provo, and that is fine. Really, winning is NOT everything. I am glad I have learned that lesson. Have I mentioned that I love to play? It was fun. I also like sitting and chatting with my good friends after the games. We usually get some concession stand food and just chat and chat. Tonight we also watched another softball game after we ate. I liked it.

Now I am here in my room in Rhinelander updating you all on my real exciting life. It is after midnight. Why am I such a night owl? Who knows really! I may even put the old Ocean's Eleven in and watch it. I got it from the library. I love libraries and the one in little old Rhinelander is surprisingly very amazing!

This is kinda random isn't it? I think my sister likes it best when my blogs are random. Maybe it is because all the people in her house are ADHD. I am sorry Seester, you all are! Reminds me of a joke my nephew always used to tell, when he was much younger, of course. He is almost a Senior in High School. How did I get so old. Here is the joke:

How many people with ADHD does it take to change a light bulb?
(with little hesitation the joke teller then says:)
Wanna go play soccer?

This joke reminds me of the joke I always used to tell my nephew. Here it is:

Hey, I got a great knock-knock joke for you. You start.
Nephew then says: Knock-Knock
I answer: Who's there?
Then there is a long pause and a confused look on Nephew's face. Aunt then laughs real hard.

I still tell him this joke years later. Now he just rolls his eyes and ignores me. Teenagers!

Speaking of teens. They are nice, but I tend to like toddlers more. My friend's little boy is so cute. I usually talk about him on Tuesdays because I see him at softball games. He is clumsy and falls a lot. Today he got a little scratch on his chin because walking is a challenge for him.

Walking is a challenge for me when I am wearing high heels. I think it is highly inappropriate for a girl who is nearly six feet to wear heels. The first reason is that said heels usually make her well over six feet and then she looks even more like a giant and is taller than all the cute boys(and the not-so-cute ones too, I guess!). The second reason is that this particular girl is very much like a New York Giant(football team for those of you who are not sports fanatics like me) lineman(the big guys) and when she is walking in these shoes she looks kinda like a lineman would if they were trying to walk in said shoes.

I am a shoe addict as well. I don't even know how many pairs I own. Some people collect antiques, or sports cards, I collect shoes. I have about ten pairs of Converse All-Stars alone.

Addiction is a funny thing too, don't you think? Some people are addicted to crazy things like cocaine and marijuana(yes I know marijuana doesn't have typical signs of addiction and people say all the time, I can stop anytime....I say "then why don't you?" stupids) while other people are addicted to food or sports. How do we get our addictions? Do we all have different ones because of our personality and upbringing? Are there people out there who have no addictions? Even if they claim to have no addictions, do you think they may be addicted to lying?

Lying is not a good practice. Honesty really is the best policy. I think the main reason for this, besides the moral issue, is that it is just too hard to keep all the lies straight. Who have you lied to? Who knows the truth? Maybe you even start to believe the lies you tell and then you have just lied to yourself. That is sad.

Back to addictions. I have lots. Ice cream, that is one. It is evil. If somebody offers ice cream, how do you say no? It is a nice gesture to offer this cream treat, is it not?

Another nice gesture is handing out money. If any of you want to hand me money go right ahead!

Blogging. I think I am addicted to blogging. I always want my blog to be up to date and funnier than everybody Else's blog. It really makes me upset when I have nothing to blog about. Like this past weekend my blog was not up to date. I just did not have creative juices those days. It was sad. I am funny right?

Paper. I am addicted to paper. I bought a notebook for myself(OK mom bought it, I am not a liar) this weekend. I already have lots of notebooks. This one does say: "Boys are stupider...send them to Jupiter." and has a picture of a boy in a rocketship headed for Jupiter. Very funny.

Funny like Happy Bunny. Happy Bunny always smiles but sometimes says mean things. I still am addicted to Happy Bunny. Sometimes I feel like Happy Bunny. I just smile and really inside say mean things. Like at work sometimes. I may be all happy and nod my head lots, but deep down I am thinking: Are you serious, do you really think this program is valuable enough for all the money we are spending? Are you crazy?

Craziness. Now that is a good topic. Who defines what is crazy and what is not? Do we have people who make the crazy rules? Oh wait...we do, they are politicians. Don't even get me started on Politicians; they make me tired.

As does being up at 12:54a.m.



The Hunsakers said...

I found your blog- Yeah! You crack me up. You change topic in your blog like crazy. I miss everyone bunches.
Haylie Hunsaker

Moo said...

Thanks for the stream of consciousness blog. I find it the best way to read and right for those of us who are a little bit ADD. I'm so glad that you are enjoying your summer.

Unknown said...

Rita, I loved this particular blog! So fun to read and so you!

Teeners said...

Alice, you are funny. That joke seriously made me laugh! I like both of them. Now, if I could only remember them to tell my students . . .

joanna said...

I'm really enjoying reading your blog this summer. I love the jokes from your nephew, I'm definitely going to use those with my kids, they love jokes:-)