
Six Quirks about Alice!

I was tagged in a friends blog to list six quirks about myself and then tag six other people. I will tag six before I forget: Morgan, Erin, Sarah, Andi, Anne, Kent, Caleb, Josh, and Megan. I did more than six. Get over it. Hee hee! This is kinda being hard for me right now and I don't know why. I know that I really have quirks.

1. I usually have a hat on my head.
2. I do not enjoy wearing make-up. Usually this is because I am lazy and hate to put it on.
3. I am a law follower. I get very afraid when anybody wants me to join them in any rule breaking. I do not know where this comes from. It also is not enough for me to be following the rule. I also think that people who are not following the rules should be punished for it! I do not know how I became such a non-risk taker.
4. I always have stains on my clothes. Recently, I took a trip to Kohl's and noticed I had about seven stains on my shirt. I couldn't believe my close friends let me go into public dressed that way!
5. I "cross" home plate with my bat every time I go up to bat in softball. I have been doing this for years. Some may call this sacrilegious, I call it superstitious. I do not know why I started doing it, but I do!
6. I alphabetize my DVDs. It bugs me when they are out of order! One of the few OCD quirks I have.

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