
Weddings and Weirdness

I don't know why I put weirdness in the subject of this post. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I ran into an "Ex-boyfriend" while at the reception of my wee littlest adopted sister. That was weird. I don't want to fully go into why it threw me for a loop but he happened to be somebody I thought I could marry, but instead he got so scared that he ran away. Anyway, it was like a sliding door experience(if you have seen the movie Sliding Doors you will follow this a little easier, if not sorry) because I was thinking a lot about wanting to be married(weddings do that for me) and how he technically, if things had worked out, would have been at this reception with me and there he was in the same building on the same day but in different circumstances. So very weird.

The wedding was awesome. Kelsey was so pretty. I don't have any pictures of my own, which makes me sad, because I forgot my camera. Luckily, there were lots of people who took pictures and will send me some of theirs. The reception was at Rodizzio Grill and it was fabulous. Lots and lots of different meats brought right to me by handsome men was the highlight. This type of restaurant usually has a salad bar and then you get to try all sorts of meats as said men come by your table with meat on a stick and cut it off for you. It was awesome.

After the wedding stuff, that was done by about 5:30, we went bowling with all the family(except Kelsey, she was busy with other stuff). It was so fun to bowl with the little kids. They had a blast. It was a busy and fun day. We were all exhausted by ten!

Well, not much else here. Sorry I have been a slacker lately about blogging. Fun to have three new posts in a row to read though, eh? Don't miss all the other fun posts. I added the pranks I played at work this week as well as six quirks about me that I was tagged to do by a friend on another blog! Thanks for checking in. Enjoy your stay as always!

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