
Weekend Wonders!

I like alliteration, if you didn't know! Welcome to the blog. I hope you enjoy your stay. Enjoy Carrie Underwood singing "So Small" for the next few days. I added it to my slide show because I love that song and what it says!

I got to go hiking yesterday with my friend, Christine, and her son, Aidan. It was awesome. Aidan is such a funny kid. I had just pointed out a little lizard to him when he saw a squirrel cross the path and said: "Did you see that huge gecko?" It was hilarious. We hiked and ate a lunch. We also got to learn a bit about climbing because Aidan was fascinated by a few girls who were climbing. It was weird because, for the first time, I thought to myself : "Maybe I would enjoy climbing." Weird. I am usually so chicken. My favorite picture of the day is that of Aidan and the sign. It pretty much says it all. I guess Aidan had woken up that morning, farted, and then told his mom to get ready because I was coming over. Funny kid. Christine's sunflowers were also impressive. So pretty!

I have decided that it is my job to be a good aunt to all kids. I don't have any of my own and I love kids so I think I should concentrate on hanging out with more kids. Not in a weird way either. Aidan reminded me of how much I love interacting with the young ones.

I also grilled some scrumptious steak last night. I even made real mashed potatoes. It was delicious. Librarian came over and partook with me. She is nice. We also went for a walk. I have great friends.

Friday, I spent some time with an old friend and it was awesome. I have missed her and her crazy cat, Nacho! We also played the Wii but it was funny because by the end of the night we were not even getting up to bowl or play. Chair bowling on the Wii is hilarious. I am going to buy a Wii this year. I thought you should know. One of my friends thinks that is silly. She is rich and thinks I am poor and should have absolutely no fun and only pay off debts. Weirdo.

Well, that is it for the weekend. Now, I am just chilling. Need to phone home still and eat dinner. Thrilling.


Moo said...

Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend. I'm glad. Hope you had a yummy dinner.

Anonymous said...

Hope you did make something good for dinner.

Loved your blog and music.

Off to a busy day--

Love MOM

Mary Brown said...

Loved that song. You will have to read Alyssa's blog about what Alexa said about "small!" She is absolutely hilarious, but you already know that! When are you coming to visit? You are welcome to stay here any time. We have 2 Wii's. We aren't rich, but they are worth the debt!!! Gotta play Wii Fit with us. Alexa is a crack up with the soccer one!!! Actually all of them!!! I enjoy reading your blog...