
The World is in Order again Thanks to New TV!

Photo found at: http://www.insidebuymore.com/

Tonight was the season premiere of Chuck. This is a silly show because it takes something pretty serious, a guy having all the country's secrets in his brain, and makes fun of it. It is basically a spy comedy. I love it. The first episode of the season was very good. Seems like it will be a good season! Secretly, I have a crush on Chuck. He is a dreamboat!

I think I watch too much TV, but it makes me happy.

Today I: 1. Woke up 2. Read scriptures 3. Ate breakfast, while watching Sportscenter 4. Went to work 5. Rode bike to Utah Lake 6. Had yet another home visit with a student and his mom 7. Graded some papers and lifted weights 8. Rode bike home 9. Made spaghetti 10. Watched Chuck and ate 11. Talked on phone with Marla for an hour 12. Cruised the Internet 13. Now I will sleep.

It is too late. I had a hard time going to bed because I was not done with me time free time! Bummer. Six will come fast! Night!


Morgan Hagey said...

I love Chuck. Uh, like a lot.

Meyer Nut House said...

Chuck is a dreamboat! I think that he modeled for the Barbie game that you and Marla love to play!

Moo said...

Hip, hip, hooray for new TV! I think Jupiter has aligned with Mars for those of us who rely on TV for our entertainment.