

I decided I will take a picture each day of me and my red eye. You can be the judge as to if the antibiotic drops are working. The doc thinks it is an infection even though there was no puss. If it doesn't get better by Wednesday, I am supposed to go to the eye doctor, which will cost lots of money. Good times!

I stayed home from school today and it went to fast. I went into work at about ten to seven and got stuff ready for the sub. Then I came home and slept for another hour. Then I exercised and watched TV. I then went to the doctor and paid $25 dollars for a thirty second visit. I love how health care works...NOT! I then filled my prescription and did laundry. Then I watched more TV and took a nap and then went to Janette's for dinner. She is nice to me most Mondays and lets me partake of her crock pot meal of the week. We then did some shopping and went to the library for something she needed for her class on Thursday. I then came home and wrote more of the novel and put some grades in. Now I am off to bed. Exciting day, eh?

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